The Evolution of the Modern Day eCRM

An organization requires Customer Relationship Management to maintain synchronization and the oneness with the existing as well as the probable customers. If efficiency in the various functions and the workflow of the company are properly exhibited by instilling confidence in a client, CRM goes much beyond a simple Relationship Management System.

Modern day eCRM is evolving into a completely new Mobile Customer Relationship Management or mobile CRM; thanks to the smart, new age technology like mobile devices – tablets, smartphones and the wearables to automate and integrate various lifecycles of the company.

With Mobile CRM, the employees, especially the ones out on the field are enable to interact with the customers in a practical new way, taking Customer Relation Management to a level further. Bring Your Own Device or BYOD is the concept that currently sets a trend for employees and brings in another concept -Do Business with Your Own Device. For this generation of employees, keeping up the relation with the customers, irrespective where they are stationed, with their own devices is the focus of all the requirements. The employees find using the CRM system with their own device, to interact with the customer from wherever and whenever, very easy and practical. The ease of housekeeping tasks like setting roles and defining security features for groups of users is only one of the many simplifications this modern day eCRM has to offer. Simple Mobile Device Management policies make the co-ordination quite easily done too.

The Do’s of a Modern Day eCRM

The most important thing to be done for a mobile CRM is to have simple to implement Safety Measures. Device security for devices in-house and on the field should be implemented by Mobile Device Management policies, which are integrated as a part of the CRM. Various verification techniques should keep the data of the business, as well as that related to the customers, secure. Also a protocol to secure communication for Data Security has to be given suitable importance.

For a mobile CRM, a coordinated effort for security implementation, keeping the user roles and profiles in mind, is required. It must have a proper insight and efforts are necessary while creating users, their roles, hierarchies and mapping of rights. As a part of sensible workflow, the integration of constant monitoring through an Administration panel in the back office, is required.

Ease of Deployment is a must have for a mobile eCRM. Just like any other system, an efficient mobile CRM must be easy to implement and understand. A simple and clear set up will be easily accepted as such a system will be used by users of different capabilities and purposes. Ease of usage and significance of the system are also very important. The CRM should be easy to understand and utilize by users with diverse abilities.

A good User Experience, rolled out to the various users of the system, is very vital. The main attraction of modern day mobile CRMs is the way it generates cohesiveness of the customers and the employees into the workflow. While designing UX, it must be kept in mind that the devices used by the workforce on field would not be PCs or desktops. The designing of UX must take total advantage of the modern day devices. The experiences amongst all the platforms should be as consistent as possible. To make the best out of the Mobile eCRM, the special abilities of the mobile devices have to be put to use, like Photo and Video Captures, Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and more.

A modern day mobile CRM must blend into the system that has a lot of devices. Even though it sounds easy, but with the ever increasing options for various devices such as the smart phones and tablets, along with the traditional laptops; having wide range of platforms such as iOS, Android, Windows or even Blackberry, it is really tough to create a perfectly balanced system. The availability and uniform roll outs for various CRMs must be taken care by an efficient system, especially while using a modern day eCRM, the user must be able to choose their own devices and platforms, instead of having any kind of limitations and restrictions.

With cloud technologies, being the modern day data management services, making mark across devices and platforms, data synchronization and database sharing has reached to a new level. With storage compatibility across devices, platforms and users, provided by cloud technologies, deploying multi-user, multi-device systems becomes a smooth and simple business.

It is no wonder then that today, businesses have enough reasons to invest in eCRM.

On a Parting Note

SPEC India offers its diverse, scalable and a one stop solution for customer relationship management keeping in mind the modern day trends with its fully integrated Enterprise Business Mobility eCRM– Renaissance, as a central repository of customer information, insight into customer needs and behavior with a satisfying customer experience.

Visit and request a FREE POC to Test Drive our services.

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