Payments and purchases in Bolivia

Visiting Bolivia is fascinating, among the basic things one needs to know is the currency to make purchases within this country:

Entering the national territory with dollars.
Nowadays the exchange rate of the dollar to Bolivian is very fluctuating, you can make the change in the different exchange agencies around the country, where it can be quoted at different prices, but the official exchange rate is 6.96 (September 2024).

What is sometimes recommended is to exchange the currency at the border before entering the country, so as not to have difficulty paying in the cab and first purchases.

One of the usual borders to enter Bolivia from Peru and make the change in Desaguadero, where you can find different exchange houses.

Travel from Peru to Bolivia buying your tickets at

Cash payments

The currency that is handled throughout the national territory is the boliviano, which in circulation there are coins of 5,2,1 bolivianos and cents of 0.50,0.20 and 0.10, and paper money or bills of 200, 100, 50, 50, 20 and 10 bolivianos.

Nowadays there are different characteristics in the original bills, all the boliviano cuts, the application allows to distinguish where the high relief lines are located, how under the ultraviolet light the security thread is identified, the national coat of arms, the serial numbers, the signatures of the BCB authorities, besides the fluorescent fibers of the bills.

For more information you can download the application of the Central Bank of Bolivia; “Billetes de bolivia”.

Credit cards

Nowadays many commercial places accept payment by credit card, mostly establishments such as restaurants, hotels and others. In order to identify the establishments that have or accept payment with cards, there is a sticker on the door or counters where it is announced.

Automatic Teller Machines ATM

Distributed in different areas of each city in Bolivia and of different banks, they accept cash withdrawals but only in bolivianos, depending on the bank, different commissions are charged per transaction or withdrawal.

Payment with QR

Today many businesses, from local stores, kiosks and some means of transportation already have QR payment, although to make these transactions from the phone is necessary to have an internet connection especially a bank account in Bolivia is a facility that is becoming more widespread.

Purchases with other means of payment

In case you want to buy tickets to tour this beautiful country are Paypal, Stripe, Cyber, and credit or debit card transactions. Stripe, Cyber, and credit or debit card transactions.

Buy your tickets at

Visas: to enter Bolivia

Visiting Bolivia is a must in the tours within South America. To enter this majestic country there are some requirements, such as passport with a minimum validity of 6 months, visa application for different nationals interested in entering the country.

The visa is a travel document issued by the Bolivian Consulates and Embassies abroad, this document enables those foreigners who wish to enter Bolivia in order to stay for a specific period of time.

Depending on the reason for the trip to Bolivia, you can apply for different types of visas, but for visits and tours in this beautiful country you need a TOURIST VISA.

The Tourist Visa is an authorization to enter the country required by foreigners (depending on the country of origin) to stay in Bolivian territory for the purpose of rest or recreation, tourism.

To receive the visa to enter Bolivian territory, you must start by verifying the nationality of origin of the person concerned, according to this, check which group he/she belongs to and what requirements must be met:

To see which country belongs to each group, visit the following link:

Persons of nationality of the countries included in Group I, DO NOT REQUIRE a tourist visa to enter Bolivia for 30 days ( extensible to 90 days, this extension must be made in Bolivia before the General Directorate of Migration)

More Information

For these countries that do not require a visa to enter Bolivia, it is necessary to have a passport with a minimum validity of 6 months and an international certificate of yellow fever vaccination (required only if the person requesting the visa will travel to endemic areas in the Bolivian Amazon).

More details:

The persons of nationality of the countries included in Group II, REQUIRE an entry visa for tourism complying with some requirements:


-Passport valid for at least six (6) months.
-Affidavit of Visa application form.
-Yellow fever vaccination certificate if visiting high risk endemic areas.
-Travel itinerary or return tickets.
-Invitation letter from a person with legal domicile in Bolivia registered and authorized by the General Direction of Migration (DIGEMIG), or lodging reservation.
-Economic solvency accredited by bank statement and/or credit card.
-Current 4 x 4 photograph (red background).
-Resolution of the General Direction of Migration (DIGEMIG) of authorization to enter Bolivian territory (for foreigners from countries included in GROUP III).

International certificate of yellow fever vaccination. Children and adults over 65 years old are exempt. People who for health reasons cannot be vaccinated, must present a medical certificate (in Spanish or English).

Travel authorization for children under 18 years of age traveling alone.

Cost: $30 USD

More details:

Persons of nationality of the countries included in Group III, REQUIRE a Visa to enter Bolivian territory as Tourist, after consultation with the Consular Office that corresponds to the General Directorate of Migration (DIGEMIG) of Bolivia.

The requirements must be presented only by foreign citizens included in GROUPS II and III.


-Passport valid for at least six (6) months.
-Form of Affidavit of Visa application form.
-Yellow fever vaccination certificate if visiting high risk endemic areas.
-Travel itinerary or return tickets.
-Invitation letter from a person with legal domicile in Bolivia registered and authorized by the General Direction of Migration (DIGEMIG), or lodging reservation.
-Economic solvency accredited by bank statement and/or credit card.
-Current 4 x 4 photograph (red background).
-Resolution of the General Direction of Migration (DIGEMIG) of authorization to enter Bolivian territory (for foreigners from countries included in GROUP III).

More details:

Bus tickets in Bolivia

Buying tickets in a safe, accessible and reliable way is now in the palm of your hand, just a few clicks away from your cell phone.

What Tickets Bolivia offers you

Precise and updated information:

We maintain direct contact with all the transportation companies we collaborate with. This means that we always have access to accurate and updated information on schedules, fares and availability and any current circumstances.

Many options: At Tickets Bolivia, they offer a wide range of transportation options, from buses between cities and domestic locations to international travel in Peru, Chile, Argentina and Brazil. Working closely with several reliable transportation companies to ensure access to the best selection of routes and schedules to suit the needs of each trip.

Choosing seats Choosing the comfort on the route is essential for the trip, Tickets Bolivia gives the option to choose seats on the website, if it is not possible because some companies accommodate passengers according to availability, you can contact customer service and give the preference you have in seats, the staff will communicate to the transport company your preferences.

To see the routes and options you can visit the page

Customer service: Tickets Bolivia has a team ready to answer any questions or queries, so the tranquility in the tour begins from the booking of the ticket, the team is ready to answer any questions or queries.

Payment methods: Tickets Bolivia gives the option of payment by different methods, either credit card payment, paypal and if you have a Bolivian bank account you can make a bank transfer, or payment by qr.

Schedule your trip with time in advance Thanks to the advance of technology today, buying your tickets by road is becoming easier, it is no longer an indispensable requirement to go to the offices of the terminals to buy them, even the purchase can be made with enough time to schedule the trip many months in advance, so planning the entire journey is simple.

Change In your plans? no problem Tickets Bolivia understands and can make changes in your bus or train tickets, which is especially useful in case of changes in travel plans. Tickets Bolivia in most cases is in direct contact with the companies for the brevity in the answers.

To see the modification policies you can visit the page

Guarantee According to the cancellation policies, it is possible to cancel tickets upon request.

-If the cancellation request is made at least 48 hours in advance, we will refund 80% of the cancelled ticket. This may not include taxes or payment gateway fees.

-If the cancellation request is made more than 24 hours in advance we will refund 50% of the ticket cost. May not include taxes or payment gateway fees.

-We will not be able to refund cancelled tickets if the request is made 24 hours before the travel time.

In some cases the companies do not agree to a cancellation under these percentages and times, we handle this information in general but the trip of a transport company may not be governed under these percentages or times.

To know the terms and conditions you can visit

Visiting the wonder city by public transportation La Paz.

One of the characteristics of this city is its means of transportation, which are becoming more and more attractive every day.

Public transportation

To go through the different streets of the city you can take a variety of options, some more interesting than others, which makes the visit to La Paz wonderful.


With its large size, bright colors and in many cases funny phrases we can mention the “micros” which are buses of urban circulation. They have a trajectory since 1970, being the first public transportation vehicles that since that time covers several routes of the city. 

At the beginning of the 70’s, the micros were a quite peculiar transportation service due to the fact that the drivers were well dressed, had a cap that identified them, watch for on-time arrival on the route, making the experience in public transportation impeccable.

Although they are a means of public transportation that has a long history in the city, today they are still in circulation in the streets of La Paz, characterized by having great seating capacity, great resistance and above all to have the most affordable price in the market.

Want to know the buses of the wonder city? buy your ticket at


This means of transportation consists of different sizes, covering short and long routes, which are used daily by the population to move around the city.

This public transportation system has traditional unions, which are part of the organization of routes that are made day by day, and are in coordination with the mayor’s office or the government to deal with issues of the current situation.

Cabs or radio cabs

With their traditional white lights, radio cabs have become a daily use to provide a private service between two points in the city.

Radio cabs have a capacity of 5 passengers. They attend on demand to landline calls, which are still used to request services.

Radio cabs and cabs are in constant circulation in the city and can be stopped for private service. 


It is a type of transport that covers 4 to 5 passengers, making defined routes.

In appearance it is similar to cabs but they carry distinctive signs, announcing the route they will travel.

There are syndicates to control and determine the routes that the motorized vehicles will take

Puma katari and the famous Chikititi

Since 2014, public transportation has been looking for a renovation to meet the demand of the people of La Paz.

Making defined routes with delimited and well marked stops, the Pumakatirs and the Chikititis have tried to give more order to public transport, although there were several conflicts with traditional transport unions, today it is essential for the transport for the elderly and children, which seeks to be an example, so that other means of 4-wheeled transport take them into account.

Cable car

Today it is one of the most popular means of transportation in the city and little by little it is becoming an emblem of the city.

It covers almost the entire city with different stations and is the largest cable transport in the world.

As of 2019 there are 10 different transport lines covering 30 kilometers of the city, reaching strategic points to unite the city from end to end.

Not only because it is a safe, comfortable and fast transport, one of the main features of this means of urban transport is the possibility of knowing from the air the different areas and contrasts of the city.

Do you want to know the different modes of transport ? visit La Paz buying your tickets at

Taste of Bolivia

Bolivia is characterized by having a very varied gastronomy depending on the geographical area where one is, as it is rich in fertile land so the variety of elements for gastronomy is wide.

Starting with the 1000 (thousand) types of potatoes that exist in Bolivia, the varieties of meats by zone, visiting Bolivia is a great opportunity to delight yourself with the different flavors that this country offers.

In this opportunity we will comment some dishes with peculiar characteristics and flavors.

Gastronomy in Bolivia:

Western part of the country

Most of the food in the west of this beautiful country is served with potato, mote or cheese, in this opportunity we will talk about a dish that is the “Charquekan de llama”, which contains the most representative elements of the region.

The charquekan consists of a combination of elements: dehydrated llama meat, to be preserved for long periods of time without decomposing, accompanied by mote, potato, hard-boiled egg and cheese.

This dish has antecedents from the time of the Urus who preserved the meat by drying it in the sun for several days, for the time in which dehydrated meat can be preserved, its popularity spread in the mines of Oruro, where many authors claim that this famous dish was born.

The dehydrated meat became well known throughout the national territory and is now part of dishes also in the Bolivian east.

If you want to try the delicious charquekan we recommend visiting the city of Oruro specialist in this succulent dish.

To buy tickets to Oruro from different points visit the page

The Valley

When thinking of this region it is impossible not to mention the silpancho, a dish full of colors and textures.

The silpancho consists of rice, potatoes, a circular slice of breaded and fried beef that covers most of the dish and fried egg accompanied by onion, tomato and locoto, in small cubes on top as a sauce.

This dish known as typical of the valley region, previously did not contain rice or egg but gradually was adapted to the demands of eaters and acquiring a combination of unique flavors!

Visit Cochabamba and try the delicious Silpancho buying your tickets at


One of the most consumed products in this region of the country is the yuca or also known as manioc.

This tasty product of popular consumption can be tasted in different presentations, cooked with cheese or baked in the oven. This time we want to talk about the “sonso de yuca”, to whet the appetite and to promote the interest in consuming it.

The “sonso de yucca” is a dish made with yucca, cheese and egg, it has a crunchy cover and a spongy interior. It is a food that is consumed in the street, in many places it is accompanied with coffee to contrast the flavors and is part of the gastronomic tradition of the region.

The consumption of this dish became so popular and traditional that since 2002 the Sonso Festival is held annually in the city of Santa Cruz, in which this dish is prepared and consumed on a massive scale.

You want to know Santa Cruz and its gastronomy buy your tickets at

Other Dishes

Bolivian food is undoubtedly one of the most unique, because it has several elements cultivated in each region, for example the type of potato, each variety accompanies a national dish making the traditional food a continuous tasting and discovery of flavors.

Depending on the region different meats are consumed, for example if we go through the region of Lake Titicaca, you can taste the trout, silverside, and other endemic to the fresh waters of the sacred lake.

The spicy spices for brave people, since several cities like Sucre are known for adding different spicy condiments to food, whether the yellow or red chili very popular in meals such as “picante mixto” or mondongo that contains pork meat.

The gastronomic variety that Bolivia presents is undoubtedly exquisite even for the most demanding people.

We invite you to explore the flavors of this land!

Travel Bolivia by bus buying your tickets in a fast and safe way:

5 Reasons to travel by bus in Bolivia (version 2024)

In recent months we have seen that flights have reduced their prices, but within Bolivia the price of bus tickets is much more affordable even in high season, for this and other reasons, we want to discuss the benefits of traveling by bus in this beautiful country.

1 Accessible prices

As a result of the great competition that exists in the market for different routes within the national territory, the prices of land travel have dropped considerably, we can see that for example for routes from La Paz to Uyuni the prices range from 100 bolivianos to 200, depending on the service. We can see other examples of quite affordable prices for different destinations and routes.

More routes at

2 Varied schedules

In Bolivia the variety of travel by different transportation means, for example, air travel, is quite limited by having reduced schedules and frequencies, compared to the frequency of bus departures, which have a range of schedules at our disposal.

More schedules can be found at

3 Admiring magnificent landscapes and views

In contrast to air travel, the bus trip through the national territory is a spectacle that is undoubtedly unmissable.

Due to the diversity of climate and geological characteristics, we can travel through the different roads and be amazed by the views of the snow-capped mountains, different shades and different tones and colors thanks to the vegetation present in each area of the country.

4 Improved comfort and service

In recent years, ground transportation companies have improved their service, improved the characteristics of the buses, some companies not only have normal type of seat, the variety has been extended to, semi bed, bed and in some cases Suit with an inclination of almost 180 °.

In some cases they already have luxury services, at a very accessible price, these with individual screens in each seat and wifi, as well as most of the buses have bathroom, reading lights, blankets, and independent cell phone chargers.

5 Buying bus tickets is now fast and affordable

Today there is a quick and easy way to use from any mobile device or computer: This website provides information on different companies, routes, schedules and prices, in a simple way, including in many opportunities the selection of seats.

The purchase of land tickets, apart from being affordable in price, is now easy and safe to purchase with a few clicks.

Tips for visiting high altitude destinations

We know that Bolivia, especially the capital of the government, La Paz, is a wonderful territory full of diversity of landscapes, flora and fauna, but before entering a wonderful tourist destination we have to take some precautions regarding the altitude.

Arriving in La Paz from different destinations, and take a walk through the streets of La Paz is certainly a fascinating journey, as we see contrasts of colors, the traditions reflected in the streets, and even streets that will leave us surprised, but before taking this challenge, we provide some recommendations for the issue of altitude is not a detriment.

Upon arrival at the bus terminal go directly to the hotel, take some time to rest so the body can acclimatize to the new conditions of the altitude, and avoid common symptoms, dizziness, difficulty breathing, nausea, headache, it is recommended to take a couple of days to adapt, but if you do not have much time for to visit La Paz, at least take half a day.

Hydrate continuously, it is essential to drink pure water, between 1.5 or 2L is recommended to stay hydrated and avoid dizziness.

In Bolivia it is usual to drink coca leaf infusion, which helps prevent altitude sickness and aids in better digestion.

How to prepare coca tea or coca infusion, the preparation is quite simple, you can place several coca leaves in a cup of boiling water, wait a couple of minutes and drink. Another option is to use an infuser sachet with coca tea, in Bolivia coca tea has been legally commercialized, since it is common to drink it with digestive and other problems.

Maintain a balanced diet, the gastronomy in this tourist destination is amazing, it contains many condiments and variety of chili, although it is attractive to try the full range that this territory offers, it is advisable to avoid excessive consumption of spicy to avoid stomach irritation, we also suggest avoiding the consumption of foods with a lot of salt, It is also important to emphasize that digestion in La Paz is more complex because of the altitude, so some combinations of foods are very bad for example pork with avocado, milk with peanuts, milk with pork, milk with avocado and others, which in general the population avoids eating.

Other tips

-Avoid alcohol and cigarette smoking

If the lack of oxygen is persistent, it is possible to take over-the-counter pills for altitude, which help the blood supply to the brain and improve breathing capacity, but it is better to foresee the consumption in people with heart conditions.

-Once you feel ready for the challenge go at a gentle pace.

How can I fight altitude sickness?

Each body is different and acclimatization may differ according to physical condition and other characteristics, but if you begin to perceive some symptoms of altitude sickness such as lack of oxygen, dizziness or excessive fatigue, you can use a tank of oxygen, most of the guesthouses and hotels in the city have emergency oxygen tank, if you do not feel better, consult a doctor to avoid strong symptomatology.

La Paz the wonder city, has many beautiful places to visit, such as Jaen street, the famous street of witches and cross the city using the “Teleférico” and not to mention the varied gastronomy, the gastronomy of La Paz is exquisite!

May this beautiful city leave you breathless for the beautiful views and not for the altitude!

Have a nice trip!

How to get by bus to La Paz
To La Paz from Cusco
To La Paz from Puno
To La Paz from Uyuni
To La Paz from Lima

Proof of Onward Travel When Entering Peru

When embarking on your journey to the captivating land of Peru, there’s a crucial requirement you should be well-prepared for: proof of onward travel. Officially, you need to demonstrate that you’ll be exiting Peru within a maximum of 183 days, which is the time a regular tourist visa will last, whether by land or air. While the likelihood of being asked for this proof is minimal, it’s better to be prepared.

In this blog post, we’ll delve into who needs this proof, why it’s necessary, and explore various options for obtaining it. Additionally, we’ll highlight the convenience of purchasing onward travel tickets through Tickets Bolivia, a reliable platform for booking bus and train tickets online. So, let’s dive in and unravel the intricacies of this essential travel requirement!

Bus Terminal in Peru.

Why Do You Need Proof of Onward Travel?

When planning your journey to Peru, there’s an essential requirement you should be aware of: proof of onward travel. Officially, you need to demonstrate that you’ll be exiting Peru within a maximum of 183 days. The Peruvian authorities want assurance that you won’t overstay your welcome. However, the reality is that you might never be asked for this proof, either by airline officials or Peruvian immigration officers. But the nagging possibility remains: should you risk it, or should you make a potentially wasteful purchase just to have some kind of evidence?

Who Needs Proof of Onward Travel?

Anyone entering Peru as a tourist needs to be prepared. Whether you’re backpacking through the Andes, exploring ancient ruins, or savoring ceviche in Lima, you’ll need to show proof that you’ll eventually leave the country. No one minds where you go next, as long as you exit Peru.

Machu Picchu

Purchase Onward Travel Tickets with Tickets Bolivia

Now, let’s talk about a convenient option: Tickets Bolivia. With over 10 years of experience and more than 350000 passengers served, Tickets Bolivia offers a seamless way to book your bus or train tickets online. Here’s why you should consider them:

  1. Wide Selection: Choose from more than 50 active companies with national and international routes. Whether you’re heading to La Paz, Uyuni, Cusco, or other destinations around Bolivia, Perú, Brasil, Argentina and Chile, Tickets Bolivia has you covered.
  2. Easy Booking Process: Follow these 5 simple steps:
    • Search for your desired route, travel date, and passenger count.
    • Select your preferred company, schedule, and cost.
    • Enter passenger details and choose a convenient payment method.
    • There are different payment options: credir or debit card, PayPal, or via bank transfer in Bolivia.
    • Complete the payment and receive your electronic ticket via email.
  3. Affordable Options: Tickets Bolivia provides budget-friendly choices for onward travel.

Cheaper Exit Options from Peru

Tickets Bolivia can help you find economical ways to exit the country. Consider bus routes to neighboring countries like Bolivia. For instance, you can travel from Puno to La Paz or from Puno to Copacabana. Compare schedules and prices, and book your tickets hassle-free on Tickets Bolivia’s website.

Here are some of the chepest options you can find in TicketsBolivia to exit Peru:

Bus CompanyRoutePrice
TranszelaPuno – La Paz15 $us
Trans TiticacaPuno – Copacabana11.68 $us
TranszelaPuno – Copacabana10.5 $us

Remember, while the chances of being asked for proof of onward travel are slim, it’s better to be prepared. So, plan ahead, explore Peru’s wonders, and enjoy your journey! 🌎🚌🚂

Journey between Santa Cruz and Tarija: A Guide to Bus Travel

The trip from Santa Cruz to Tarija by bus is a scenic one, with the route taking you through the beautiful Bolivian countryside. The distance between the two cities is approximately 600 kilometers. Several bus companies operate on this route, including Lince SRL and Trans Copacabana SA.

Santa Cruz is the largest city in Bolivia and is known for its vibrant culture and nightlife. The city is home to several museums, including the Museo de Arte Contemporáneo and the Museo Etnofolklorico. The city is also a great place to shop for local handicrafts and souvenirs.

Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia. Coordenação-Geral de Observação da Terra/INPE

Tarija, on the other hand, is a charming city located in southern Bolivia. The city is known for its beautiful colonial architecture and is surrounded by vineyards and wineries. The Paleontological and Archaeological Museum is a must-visit attraction in Tarija, with an impressive collection of fossils, ceramics, and pre-Columbian objects. The Plaza Luis de Fuentes is a quiet and picturesque, colonial-style place, surrounded by beautiful restaurants and cafés. From here, the tours leave to the “wine route”.

Main Sq., Tarija Bolivia. Dieter Jungblut.

The bus trip between Santa Cruz and Tarija is ideal for tourists who want to explore the natural beauty of Bolivia and experience the local culture. The journey takes you through the heart of Bolivia, with stunning views of the Bolivian countryside. Along the way, you’ll pass through several small towns and villages, each with its own unique charm and character.

Bus route from Tarija to Santa Cruz.

When it comes to traveling between Santa Cruz and Tarija, there are several options available. Tickets Bolivia offers several bus travel options to make this journey. You can travel directly from Santa Cruz to Tarija with the bus companies Trans Copacabana S.A. and Lince S.R.L. in a lie-flat bus. The buses depart every day at 18:30hrs., 19:00hrs., and 20:30hrs. and arrive in Tarija the next day at around 5:30am. with tickets from 37.08$us per passenger. Alternatively, you can break the journey to Tarija by doing a stopover in Sucre with the bus company Trans Copacabana 1Mem. And from Sucre, you can go to Tarija with the bus companies El Emperador, Andes Bus or 6 de Octubre.

The same bus companies Trans Copacabana S.A. and Lince S.R.L. make the return trip from Tarija to Santa Cruz. The buses depart every day at 17:30hrs, 19:00hrs and 19:30hrs. with arrival time estimated at around 5:00am.

We hope this information was helpful for your travel plans in Bolivia and between Santa Cruz and Tarija. Don’t forget you can purchase the tickets via with the safest payment options and updated pricing and schedule.

Cultural Treasures: Bus trip from La Paz to Tiwanaku

Nestled in the highlands of Bolivia, La Paz is a city rich in culture and history, surrounded by breathtaking landscapes and captivating destinations. One of these destinations is Tiwanaku, an ancient archaeological site located about 72 kilometers west of the city. A bus trip from La Paz to Tiwanaku will immerse you in the pre-Inca history of the region as you pass through breathtaking panoramas and experience the essence of Bolivia.

Preparations and Embarkation on the Adventure

The trips from La Paz to Tiwanaku are given by tour companies that offer their services. They usually pick you up from your hotel in the center of the city, or from the San Francisco Church. After securing your tickets, you board a comfortable minivan equipped with windows that promise spectacular views all the way. The round-trip cost usually ranges around $10, providing an affordable option for travelers interested in exploring this unique destination.

On the Road to Tiwanaku: Across the Andes and the Altiplano

The minibus ride will take you along a road that winds through the majestic Andes Mountains and the vast expanses of the Bolivian altiplano. As you move away from La Paz, the altitude gradually decreases, but you can still appreciate the imposing beauty of the Andean peaks in the distance. You will have the opportunity to observe the daily life of the locals and admire the traditional architecture.

Tiwanaku, Bolivia

Tiwanaku: A Glimpse into the Pre-Inca Past

You will finally arrive at Tiwanaku, an archaeological site that was once the center of one of the oldest civilizations in South America. Here, you will have the opportunity to explore ancient ruins dating back to around 500 AD. Notable structures include the Sun Gate, a monumental piece of architecture engraved with intricate geometric designs and anthropomorphic figures. In addition, the Temple of Kalasasaya and the Ponce monolith are impressive testimonies of the artistic and architectural skills of the ancient inhabitants of the region.

A visit to Tiwanaku is much more than contemplating ancient structures. You will have the opportunity to learn about the worldview, religion, and practices of this pre-Incan culture through nearby museums and exhibits. Expert local guides will take you through the history of the region, sharing fascinating stories and details that will help you better understand the cultural and spiritual importance of Tiwanaku in the past and today. Please note that the entrance fee is 100Bs for foreigners and 15Bs for nationals.

Available trips

Traveling from La Paz to Tiwanaku offers adventurers an opportunity to immerse themselves in Bolivia’s rich history and culture. Direct travel by minibus promises a fascinating journey into Tiwanaku’s ancient past:

Bus companyBus typeDepartureArrivalPrice $us
Maya Toursminivan08:00am11:00am10.22
*Cost includes return trip the same day at 4 p.m.

In short, a bus trip from La Paz to Tiwanaku is an exciting journey through time and space, allowing you to explore the wonders of the ancient pre-Inca civilization while marveling at the natural beauty of the Andes and the Altiplano. Buy your tickets through TicketsBolivia and enjoy this journey. Whether you are an archaeology enthusiast, a history lover, or just a curious traveler, this trip is sure to leave a lasting impression on your mind and heart.