Visiting the wonder city by public transportation La Paz.

One of the characteristics of this city is its means of transportation, which are becoming more and more attractive every day.

Public transportation

To go through the different streets of the city you can take a variety of options, some more interesting than others, which makes the visit to La Paz wonderful.


With its large size, bright colors and in many cases funny phrases we can mention the “micros” which are buses of urban circulation. They have a trajectory since 1970, being the first public transportation vehicles that since that time covers several routes of the city. 

At the beginning of the 70’s, the micros were a quite peculiar transportation service due to the fact that the drivers were well dressed, had a cap that identified them, watch for on-time arrival on the route, making the experience in public transportation impeccable.

Although they are a means of public transportation that has a long history in the city, today they are still in circulation in the streets of La Paz, characterized by having great seating capacity, great resistance and above all to have the most affordable price in the market.

Want to know the buses of the wonder city? buy your ticket at


This means of transportation consists of different sizes, covering short and long routes, which are used daily by the population to move around the city.

This public transportation system has traditional unions, which are part of the organization of routes that are made day by day, and are in coordination with the mayor’s office or the government to deal with issues of the current situation.

Cabs or radio cabs

With their traditional white lights, radio cabs have become a daily use to provide a private service between two points in the city.

Radio cabs have a capacity of 5 passengers. They attend on demand to landline calls, which are still used to request services.

Radio cabs and cabs are in constant circulation in the city and can be stopped for private service. 


It is a type of transport that covers 4 to 5 passengers, making defined routes.

In appearance it is similar to cabs but they carry distinctive signs, announcing the route they will travel.

There are syndicates to control and determine the routes that the motorized vehicles will take

Puma katari and the famous Chikititi

Since 2014, public transportation has been looking for a renovation to meet the demand of the people of La Paz.

Making defined routes with delimited and well marked stops, the Pumakatirs and the Chikititis have tried to give more order to public transport, although there were several conflicts with traditional transport unions, today it is essential for the transport for the elderly and children, which seeks to be an example, so that other means of 4-wheeled transport take them into account.

Cable car

Today it is one of the most popular means of transportation in the city and little by little it is becoming an emblem of the city.

It covers almost the entire city with different stations and is the largest cable transport in the world.

As of 2019 there are 10 different transport lines covering 30 kilometers of the city, reaching strategic points to unite the city from end to end.

Not only because it is a safe, comfortable and fast transport, one of the main features of this means of urban transport is the possibility of knowing from the air the different areas and contrasts of the city.

Do you want to know the different modes of transport ? visit La Paz buying your tickets at

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