#IWD2017-What Women Really Want!! Do’s & Don’ts for the CRM Guys!!!

This post was originally published on Renaissance – eCRM Solution’s Blog

Of late, my Linkedin account is flooded with statistics from who’s who of various industries flaunting special offers for women, or the comparisons of women vs men employed by them, or what they intend to do by say 2020 about these ratios if skewed a bit. WhatsApp circulates mushy images glorifying women. My Sunday newspaper has a series of articles on women victimized in various ways, coming out of their shells, fighting it out or even helping other women to speak up.

The advertisements all around for various products & services portray women with stereotyped roles; the hassled mother, the overworked home maker, the pretty hostess and a completely freaked out person at work. The point they make is clear, women deserve a treat or a discount or a trip because they are moms, they are wives, they run the house and they work inspite of all this.

Sympathies are rising, Women’s Day is here!

Women’s Day is Round the Corner for Sure!

Unfortunately, most of the seasonal crusaders disappear soon enough once March goes by, convincing everyone around that women are the abnormal pitiable human beings. I agree it’s a little tricky at times for women, but then no one complained to these activists of sorts.


To add to the irritants my software development company suddenly recognizes my womanhood and now I need to give my perspective to our Customer Relationship team to channelize their thoughts to help their customers in engaging women clientele across the spectrum on Women’s Day. Phew!

CRM itself in my opinion outgrows its own shoes and caters to more individuals than one would think, erasing the very thin lines between SFA, CRM and the likes to emerge to a comprehensive ERP itself. Customers, prospects, suppliers, vendors, partners and the quintessential workforce all become equally important ensuring that a comprehensive CRM evolves to streamline relations with contacts, sales, marketing and workflows designed for improved visibilities & collaborations. All this in turn to improve user experiences, efficiencies & productivity to eventually increase sales of enterprises.

What Women Want. Or Better Still, What They Do Not.

Read More at: #IWD2017-What Women Really Want!! Do’s & Don’ts for the CRM Guys!!!